Thursday, September 27, 2012

EdCamp -- The Un-Conference

We have all been to a conference that was full of disappointment.  Perhaps the keynote speaker was drab and predictable.  Maybe the sessions you attended were uninspiring, or not quite what you hoped them to be.  Perhaps you looked at the program and thought, "This isn't how I would have done it".  Well here is your chance.

Two years ago, a group of educators got together and created the first educational EdCamp.  EdCamp is a grassroots movement that puts professional development back into the hands of the teachers.  EdCamps should not be confused with traditional education conferences; these are events organized by local groups of educators who strive to create an UNconference environment that encourages participant-driven discussions in an informal area.  There are several benefits of attending EdCamps, including: free attendance, flexible agendas, group brainstorming sessions, local networking opportunities, and much more!

I would love to have our own EdCamp here at KHS.  Are you interested?  If so, email or call me.


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